I want commas


You know what he didn't see coming? Looming unemployment and diminishing box office receipts.

I read the comments when this was posted on reddit and holy fuck are they a bunch of judgmental assholes. Especially for a bunch that loves to talk about masturbation and shits.

Someone should just relax those tight cats.

Aye-o, this wit slays me.

Damn you, average height and runners body! No one is ever afraid of me…

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Ha, classic.

I've been on the internet too long today. I can't tell if your talking about masturbation or not.


Not only was it fictitious it was boring as shit too.

Future documentaries. fingers crossed

Yeah it was, and Neal improvises and it takes coach a bit of time to catch on.

He's a 14 year old white kid who was cryogenically frozen in 1997.

My cat is genocidal… but only against house plants and loose pieces of paper.

Head and the heart are so boring and bland.

Either way cappadocius would have gotten an X…

Of the University of Miami Wallaces.

Most sarcastic use of "great job internet" so far?