I want commas


Oh I'll pick up my sword, if you catch my drift. nudge nudge

The parking garage? Those poor bastards.

It'd probably be out of 5 stars, if we're being honest here.

Yep, totally agree. Which is why I'm not allowed to have thoughts on the Mona Lisa, any of the Beatles albums, or MASH. Because even though those things exist and I can access them and I am capable of an emotional and critical reaction to them I force myself not to even think about them because of a weird, some may

Fuck you, The Trueblood.

B- B- Dowd strikes again.

Cool, a game that goes on forever with no real direction to match the show.

My erection is total unrelated and was brought on by a totally normal thing.

To me Billy Joel has one great album, and that's The Stranger. The rest flux between middling and awful.

Eventually it's just going to be Jean Ralphio and DJ Roomba.

I'm sure bland is very talented, how big of a part does she take up in this movie?


>so fuck him.

Honestly, my mind went to the How I Met Your Mother theme song

Out of beat of course.

Anyone else see the face of the last Pope in that wall of fap?

Cristal popping in a stretch Navigator.

And all of this has generally been ignored.

As long as Pharrell is happy the Gods are happy and we can continue to harvest our wheat in peace without having to sacrifice a virgin.