
Hey, the tiny me thought X-Men Legends 2 Deadpool was great, but nothing beat Magneto's overacting and Juggernaut's pure angry testosterone.

The AV Club

Well, he did literally inspire the Aztecs in story, so I guess your selected quality makes sense.

All this "my wife" talk, and it's not on an episode of the Comedy Bang Bang podcast? Sacreligious.

Aw man, if somebody can hack in Hawkeye Initiative costumes for all the guys…

Kitana's third outfit in MK9.
From an envelope-pushing perspective, only making a character get naked could defeat the toilet paper genital coverer.

Honestly, this whole game's based on creeds battling to be the best, so…

Oh, Mileena. How are you always the scariest character?

Mash like an Irishman.
Ice slide directly into a projectile.
"Oh, that's how you do that."

Especially the "whoooooaaaaaahhh!" freakout the target characters have.

2D games: too uncool.

I like how his MK9 fatalities were overcranked and then cut to different angles.

They're zombies in the game, though…


If this gets Stryker, Bo Rai Cho, and Scorch back into the games, I'd be all for it!

Then in his non-canon ending, he re-deified himself and turned the tourney into Immortal Kombat, where only gods could fight.

Avengers 3: Crazy Hand vs. Master Hand.

He does get some really close to Fraction Clint moments too, and often with the closest thing to a Tracksuit Vampire the movie has…

Shoulda been Billy Dee Williams…

There's two gauntlets for two hands. When you love Lady Death and nothing else, like Thanos does, you make a backup plan for your ultimate destruction device.
The 2nd gauntlet's from Word of God, as they say on TV Tropes.