
Missy/Master will be back…

You left off Mastodon??? Emperor of Sand kicks so much ass, especially "Jaguar God", which makes me want to die in a good way. Epic list fail…

No Pumpkinhead memories? Damn

That was really fucking awesome line delivery

An Indian Casino! That was funny!!

Enquiring minds want to know

The popo macing his rod and tackle brought a smile to my face

Excellent episode!! Missy and the Master with Mondassian Cybermen is a mix that cant be beat.

Chuck kind of ripped his heart out and stomped on it though. I'd be pissed and I'm surprised he didn't lash out like the last time.

He's going to wind up in a hospital alone, surrounded by beeping electronic shit…as Jimmy foretold.

I can't help but wonder if Jimmy fucked with something on the way out to mess with the electric meter.

Missy was in the vault to prevent Dawes from leaving

Perri and Leela are automatically in the top 5.

You know who needs a bio-pic? The Geto Boys.

I would have gone with "atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and chronic substance abuse" instead of undetermined. I'd reserve undetermined for when there is a possibility of foul play that can neither be proven or disproven.

There's probably some backstory with his Dad we will just have to infer

He deserves an Emmy!!

Immortal Corrupter is easily one of their best songs and amazing live

I can dig that.

Is the GWAR song "Happy Death Day" on the soundtrack? It should be…