
What is it with South Park making songs about jacking off so damn catchy?

Was I the only one who cracked up at Mr. Pigs reaction to Tree Trunks in this episode?

I dunno, it could just be me, but does anyone see the allusions between Ice King and Magic man? They're both Tom Kenny voiced wizards who lost the love of their lives which eventually led to them both going insane. I doubt this was on purpose, but it's still an interesting comparison to look at

Was I the only one patiently awaiting Lemonjon's appearance?


The visual was build up to the end of the episode. The circle is some alternate dimension, and that's where the time machine sends Johnnie at the end, as he looks down sadly, since he can never be with LSP again. And if that isn't pretty god damn poignant I don't know what is.

Also, how about Steven Universe tonight? Maaaan, that was heavy. Pearl tearing up with the pie was generally heartbreaking.

I like how the first great romance themed episode in a while is centered around Lumpy Space Princess of all characters.