
The Natural History Museum wasn't that empty when I visited. Snark aside, though, the egg-making sequence reminded me why I love this show: there aren't too many others with such a loose, cool vibe.

I remember watching America's Castles when I was a kid. I always loved the mansions with secret passages.

Doesn't the Bridal Chorus play after Elsa's wedding in Lohengrin, when she and her new husband get slaughtered? That was the main reason we didn't want it at our wedding - it's less about the joy of being married, more about horrible situational irony.

No …Like Clockwork, and no Atoms For Peace, two glaring omissions. Otherwise, lots of good stuff on here.

I'm happy to see Phineas and Ferb on there! I think that show gets overshadowed by the other good cartoons (Adventure Time, etc.).

Still not as good as The Room:

And sometimes he's up, walking around, smoking a joint. Or he'll just leave the stage entirely.


Ah, yes. Walter Matthau Syndrome.

I liked Swamplandia! quite a bit. The parts with the Birdman were especially harrowing. I agree with you on the Kiwi chapters - his story really gave me hope for the Bigtree family.

Top of the Lake is great! Elisabeth Moss really sold both paranoia and quiet confidence in her character. I think Peter Mullan did a great job portraying a man whose natural tendencies toward crazy have been amplified by a lifetime of both receiving and doling out horrendous amounts of abuse.

Regarding the NFL: I got to see the Chiefs beat the Cowboys!! We still have a team that makes a lot of mistakes, but playing against the easily distracted Tony Romo is a solid start to the season.

Finished my first Elmore Leonard novel - The Hot Kid. I really enjoy how he only tells you as much as you need to know, and lets you fill in the rest with your imagination. I started Thomas Mullen's The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers, which is so far very humorous and slightly sad at the same time.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus My name is Yon Yonson, I live in Wisconsin….
It was the most bizarre thing. I couldn't stop staring at his damn tattoo.

@avclub-776e9111d31a090979dd9fc5f382651c:disqus  Yeah.

Considering the performance, she might like Fucking Jail.

It's not so much a flag as a way of life. I met a man from Wisconsin - northern accent and all - who had a Confederate flag tattoo on his arm.

The way it's being spun, it's more like a Big Red Probably Not.

The whole album is an absolute blast. They played it in its entirety on KC's alternative station this morning.

Ugh. We're already there. If I have to see one more facebook post of "23 Disney Stars, Then and Now" or "18 Screen Shots of Mutant Ninja Turtles Eating Pizza," I'm going to scream. Seriously, us Millenials are just as bad as the Boomers.