
In the beginning, it looked like Doctor Alchemy was the Darth Sidious of the season, luring Wally West to the dark side with temptations of power. Now that I look at Savitar, Julian Albert is to him, so to speak, what Starscream is to Megatron/Galvatron. See what I mean?

Sara may have let go of her pursuit for vengeance, but she just made the mistake of letting him live with the knowledge that he would ultimately fail and die. Now that the Reverse-Flash has made his presence known to the Legends (without so much as a facial recognition), it's only a matter of time until our heroes

You'd think Martian Manhunter would've posed for Kara or Supergirl again at the party, which me and my dad did when we saw the dilemma. LOL

"Golden." That's a nice ring to it.

You know, Saxon used to serve under Darth Maul when the Sith Lord took over Death Watch.

So far, "Abominations" is one of my favorite Season 2 episodes in Legends of Tomorrow. I have been studying the Civil War for years, particularly on the Confederate side. There are a lot of generals and politicians in that era that deserve our respect and admiration, especially General Grant here: their tactics, their

Maybe it's because Church didn't have the twisted, psychotic, and theatrical style that Mark Hamill's Joker had.

At first, before I saw the preview of this episode, I thought that Wild Dog was gonna meet the same fate as Jason Todd. But then, after paying closer attention, I began to see a resemblance of Tim Drake's torture/interrogation in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker:
Joker: I'll begin with how I affected young Robin's

Interesting… Might wanna see that sometime.

You'd think Wild Dog, Artemis, and Mr. Terrific would've taken the approach Anakin and Obi-Wan did in their final match with Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus:
Obi-Wan: This time, we will do it together.
Anakin: *muttering* I was about to say that…

Internal Affairs?

I really liked that reference to Lucky Luciano when it comes to Harlem's Paradise. That guy was the inventor of organized crime. No joke.

Maybe she should apply for a job at Arkham Asylum. ;)

Makes you think that Flashpoint was just the beginning.

Well, it's a good thing to know that the Reverse-Flash is intent on ruining not just Barry Allen's life, but other heroes' as well. Vixen crying over Hourman's body gives credence to that.

So you think that Zoom was on Earth 1 this whole time?

Shall I play the Imperial March for "I am your brother?" ;)
Seriously, it was nice to put the reveal in the middle episode of this season. Helps leave the viewers with questions.

Ragman looks a lot like the Scarecrow from Batman: Arkham Knight, only more super powers, sans fear toxin, sans fingertip syringes, and sans plastic surgery.

To be honest, that first fight in the Stardust hideout was eerily similar to the Axis Chemicals skirmish in the 1989 Batman movie. Here, you get to see the lead bad guy fall into a vat of chemicals and becomes super crazy.

Daisy, you are so out of touch with S.H.I.E.L.D. when it comes to administration. Glad to have you back, though.