
I'm glad we think alike on the similarities between Magenta and Magneto, even using the Jekyll and Hyde theory.

That was on Kilgrave, mostly.

Sounds appropriate.

I think that's because Barry didn't know how to use time remnants yet. Zoom's had a lot more practice.

One big thing I'd love to bring up on this episode: Another kiss between Bruce and Selina! Yay!

Seeing Cadmus reveal itself to the world reminds me a lot of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. After many years of hiding in the shadows, it is time for them to enact their revenge. And I'm liking this Doctor. She's nothing, if not bold.

First off, I had no idea that Lex Luthor had a sister, let alone an adopted sister. She's not only smart, but pretty brave while shooting down an assassin and rescuing someone at the same time.

How else was she gonna break Kilgrave's mind hold over him?

You mean J. Jonah Jameson? ;)

I should've realized that we'd get a hint of Nick Cage's Ghost Rider in this episode. Both movies rock!

I've got a sneaking suspicion that the death of his kid led Scarfe to go in cahoots with Cottonmouth. I can understand why he acts on the outside to hide all that inner torment.

I'll bet that if the Joker was there when Koko got shot for suggesting the benign neglect approach, he would've taken an instant liking to Cottonmouth.

If you ask me, Luke Cage's transformation is more similar to Wolverine's than Captain America's, what with the equipment and escaped prisoners/test subjects. Logan had no choice over what he became, either, and he was already a mutant when their stuck the adamantium into him.
When it comes to supervillains, the same

That fight in the dark near the end reminded me a lot of how Batman would take down criminals, only with sidekicks and super powers.

I really had no idea that Malfoy was gonna appear in this season. He's really in character here.

I love this show. Wish they had it on DVD with higher quality.

Luke's raids on Cottonmouth's cash joints kinda reminds me of Two-Face robbing Rupert Thorne in Batman: The Animated Series, only bolder and simpler. While Two-Face's approach lasted half-a-year, due to his obsession with duality and calculated mind, Luke's here takes only days.

It's good to see Turk Barrett again after two seasons of Daredevil, if only briefly:
"I'm going back to Hell's Kitchen. It's safer."

Fair point, my friend.

So far, this series is, in some ways, hipper and lighter in tone than Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Maybe it's the background music.