
Then that's just him underestimating her.

Well, Lord Blackwood made his fake execution look convincing in the 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie, so why can't Laurel? Once her "death" is official, Damien Darhk would lower his guard.

Those bee puns and Harry Potter jokes were outstanding.

I spotted an _Oklahoma!_ ref when Major sang that song.

He was, eh?

"I know. The day just got weirder." Nice one, Phil!

I can tell you that it was nice seeing Matt and Elektra have pants-only sex (since we've seen them only taking their tops off).

Is that General Burnside on your avatar? I love the guy!

That it is.

Oh. Well, thanks for answering a bit more clearly.

I never imagined that the team were the ones who created Chronos, never alone that Mick was Chronos. He's much smarter now. Makes you wish Snart would say "I couldn't be more proud."

On which part?

Oh, I can definitely see the Shakespeare in this episode. At least no one mentioned the name of the Scottish play. ;)

I so wanted Daredevil to say that he understood Frank's pain because he lost his dad to the mob when he was a kid. How he wanted revenge, but knew he couldn't bring himself to cross that line.

Actually, Kevin, Sidious killed Savage, not Tyranus.

I can see a lot of similarities between this episode and Batman: Under the Red Hood. The Joker would agree, if he saw this.

Yep. I was right. Silver Banshee is absolute Spider-Man 3 Venom material. I was so psyched that she had actually pushed Kara out the window with her sonic screams (talk about direct). Next, we see her recruit Livewire, who acts as a far more sinister Sandman. And the outfit… OMG!

I was so tempted to say "How do you feel, mighty Gordon?" while he was sent to F Wing. Everyone he's put in there wants him dead. It felt good to watch him trapped like a rat, let him experience what it's like to be behind bars.

I was thinking Batman: The Animated Series.

Perhaps she will. Who knows…?