
After seeing the bloody carnage in this episode, I feel like playing "Murder, Murder" from Jekyll & Hyde: the Musical.

D.A. Reyes makes Harvey Dent look like a saint. Not even Harv sank that low before he became Two-Face.

True that on the first part.

I recognized a portion of the music from the Clone Wars episode, "Legacy of Terror." Easy to see why they put it there when you're in a cave full of Krykna, which are oversized, knobby white spiders. It's like seeing the Geonosian queen and her zombies again. Creepy…
Luke faced a Krykna while training on Dagobah. Read

Trajectory kinda reminds me of Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin, only with less Jekyll & Hyde.

I think they're gonna be fast friends. LOL

So long, Bobbi and Nick. We salute you.

Congratulations, Siobhan. You are now officially the female version of Venom in this show.

That fake bomb fuse at the museum and crowbar were borderline Joker, even for Riddler. And I have never thought that he would actually frame Jim for murder. I mean, I didn't see that one coming.
Neither did I think of Jim breaking while backed into a corner by his own past. And giving up on him, Leigh, and the baby?

If you ask me, I see elements of Batman: Under the Red Hood in this episode. Anyone else?

Oh this should be most interesting…

They've really given the Hidden One much needed screen time. Good for them. And I take it that things are about to get ugly during his… pep talk with Pandora.

Funny… I didn't see any of Disney's Prince John in Emperor Charles. He doesn't suck his thumb while thinking about his mommy; that would be too obvious.
Also, I wouldn't say he was cowering behind his throne; more like ensuring that this audience with Roland was indeed private (as if he didn't want anyone else to see

This movie was, in the words of Rainbow Dash, SO AWESOME!!!

I'll wager that Chopper will be the first of the [i]Ghost[/i] crew to die. Any Imperial who's smart enough would know that the Rebels would be nowhere without droids.


Aw, come on! This show rocks!

At least we got to see Daisy take her shirt off… and no hint of a bra. ;)

They used the Scarecrow formula on Penguin? That's just… That's just monstrous! But somehow, it became effective in the end.
