
This should be good…

I agree on the first part.

No argument from me.

I agree.

You may be right about, but you can't deny that Siobhan was visibly devastated when she walked out.

You know what, Caroline? I'm glad I'm not the only one to compare this episode to Spider-Man 3:
*Both heroes are possessed by an alien source that enhances aggression. Main difference is that the symbiote was an alien parasite and the red Kryptonite was man-made.

I love that movie!

Give the Hidden One some credit, Zack. In the end of this episode, he realizes that if you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself. Plus, he's a bit like Darth Sidious while waiting in his domain.

It's about time they got back together.

"Past mistakes" indeed. If anything, this episode deserves a much higher grade because it's impressed me in several ways:
1. Bjorn's strong will to survive out in the brisk winter all by himself. He's making good progress so far.
2. Rollo's strategic plans for the defense of Paris. Once you're in a big city, you learn a

I didn't see that way, but thanks to you, I can see the similarities.

Coulson's new hand reminds me of Luke Skywalker's in "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi."

I'm more into the BTAS version of Mr. Freeze. Ferris Boyle (voiced by Mark Hamill) makes a more personal enemy to him than Bruce Wayne (New 52), due to his greed and ruthlessness. He threatened to pull the plug on Nora.

I thought this episode was very good.
Victor Fries, in spite of his violent desperation, is still a reasonable man. Especially given his willingness to bargain with Strange and to turn himself in after Nora was frozen. And when he saw her die and tried to join her, it was pure Romeo and Juliet.
As for Nora, I did NOT

At least the Hidden One is seen communicating with one of his most willing disciples (i.e. Leeds) in the woods at the cold opening. Reminds me of this reunion between Megatron and the Fallen in the second Transformers movie.

Glad I'm not the only one to see it.

Not bad.

Last week's review, I said that the rift in the Snart-Rory team would turn ugly for this episode. And it has. Didn't expect it would be THIS ugly.

The Genie's advice to Ahsoka after this confirmation:
"Tell. Them. The. TRUUUUUUUUUTH!!!"

How can these episodes be a B-? I was laughing myself like crazy. They're by far the silliest of Season 1. Bringing back more characters from the original Muppet Show; the crazy ideas at the meeting table; the imminent return of Kermit being Foo-Foo's (and Gloria's) "Dada"; you name it!