
I didn't expect there would be a John Diggle Jr., much less that Slade Wilson had another son! I'd be nice to see the former in the next season of Arrow or so. (Don't spoil it when you get back, Ray and Sara.

Who knows?

On the bright side, Thea, your dad didn't tell Darhk about who the Green Arrow is under that mask.

Boy… Listening to Kallus recount his tale now reminds me of how Mel Gibson's Benjamin Martin from "The Patriot" recounts his tale of Fort Wilderness. It's really self-reflecting on how you are able to live with yourself as a warrior/soldier. Very haunting.

No argument there.

That's what S&W do best.

I've read issues #5 and 6 of "Flash: Season Zero" and they bare some strong similarities to this very episode. Major difference: Earth-1 Shay Lamden didn't die when the Particle Accelerator exploded.

Is that so?

Poor little Foo-Foo… and poor Camilla at the end.

Oh. I had bit of a feeling that was the case. Just couldn't hear the dialogue properly.

If I didn't know better, I'd say Siobhan was eavesdropping on Lucy and James' conversation on the DEO. Shouldn't she have finked on them in the hopes of earning more of Cat's approval by now? Get James fired for withholding vital info from the boss? That would've earned Kara's ire completely.
Maybe Siobhan's just

Me neither.

Ah… Now I see.

Your point being?

I have to say, Earth-2 Barry's got a lot more backbone than I was led to believe. Ain't he the protective husband, even if the wife's a police detective?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

When I saw Damien Darhk kill Tomas through the TV screen, I'm thinking Empire Strikes Back:
"You have failed me for the last time, Admiral."

"Cold and detached." Just like Vader. Am I crossing a line there?

I'm like a Muppet encyclopedia, in some ways.

Is that so? Interesting…