Pervy Obit

The new mayor's John Tory so there might be hope unless he turns out to be another crack-smoking, pussy-eating joke.

That song's existence is entirely validated by that subplot.

I was going to post "sry @ ur tits" upthread but then I remembered that only like three people would get it and felt pretty bummed. So yeah, I'd say I miss it.

I guess Pearl Harbor sucked…just a little bit more…than North Korea hates freedom

Yes. Also, it symbolizes late-period Simpsons references.

Fly? White? THEORY: The theme song for the show is going to be "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)"

The fly's an important detail because on Breaking Bad, the fly symbolized Walt's cancer. Also, it symbolized polarizing bottle episodes where mostly nothing happens.

Nah, upvotes are lame. When is Disqus gonna install a downvote counter? That's where the real money is.

Godzilla and King Kong measuring their colossal dicks.

We're growers, not show-ers.

Is this a thing now? Are people actually comparing their upvote-comment ratios? Lamest dick-measuring contest ever


It's either that or "With my last breath, I CURSE ZOIDBERGGGG!"

*checks pulse*

Miss McNeal, I'm afraid I must decline your offer of marriage. For, you see, I'm dying. Cough then fall over dead.

Hey, Three Guys and a Basement is a great podcast.

I wish.

WRONG it's clearly The Joe Rogan Experience.

hey guys I think I know what the AV Club is going to pick as their top podcast of 2014

That comment really reflected Dowd's inner Dyess-Nugent.