Pervy Obit

Likeability isn't something that translates as well to tv as like strategic aggressiveness so I can see why they downplayed it

I feel like they did? She talked a lot about forming relationships with people and building trust, and we saw that pay off later with her alliance when she was in danger. For someone in her position I think they edited her as well as they could have

Man y'all are salty. I looooooove Michele as a winner. Love it. Aubry played a solid strategic game but Michele clearly had a better social game, and I just think that's far more interesting than a game built on blindsides or idols or whatever

[Agents of Shield slinks away, perpetually unnoticed]

Something Phil also didn't have: literally anything else

I haven't been on this site in a while - is Sava the new Dyess-Nugent?

How else am I supposed to feed my smile fetish goddammit!

I need Scarsdale in my life

Idle Playthings maybe isn't the best futurama episode but it's better than all the comedy central episodes combined and mutated into one freak episode with like 60 penises

What am I saying? If I poached this beast's lower horn, am I any better than that ranger with his demented foot lust? Yes…but not by enough.

"Your interview style seems to just be compliments"

In my experience, boxes are usually empty. Or maybe with a little cheese stuck to the top. And one time pepperoni! What a day that was.

"Bend Her" may not be all that great but the soap opera death may be Calculon's finest moment.

Yeah this show has had some real tearjerkers, but the reveal of Fry begging by her bedside destroys me unlike anything else. This is maybe my favorite episode.

"It's not working! He's gaining strength from our weapons!"
"Like a balloon and something bad happens!"

Noooo this was great! It had space sharks and Frankie Muniz you literally can't ask for anything else except for maybe shark orgies but there will probably be some of those in the next one fingers crossed

"You reserved the whole rink?"
"Yup, buzzed ahead. Let 'em know whose aide was coming by - the mayor's, that's whose."

Chaz the mayor's aide is easily my favorite one-off Futurama character, his inflated sense of self-importance is just the best.

Wanna fuck on this pile of kids?

Morbo: Morbo wishes these stalwart nomads peace among the Dutch tulips.
Linda: At least those windmills will keep them cool.