
The only way I could get the comments to load was to click the comment counter on the front page.

Hey! My first upvote!

So people, I'm back and I'm married. It went smashingly well considering everything. The Thursday night before we were watching the news report that a category 1 hurricane would be coming ashore right about the time of our ceremony. By Friday, people flying in were cancelling their flights. The rental company said

With my rushed packing for my honeymoon last week, I grabbed The Crossing to read on the trip. Granted, I have read a bunch of McCarthy's books and knew what to expect , but I cannot stress enough, Do not bring a McCarthy book to read on a breezy, fun trip to the beach!

Oh yeah, vacation sex. One drawback, lots of sand.

I possess a sweet ass vest from Brooks Brothers.  Definitely worth the investment, but I did get mine on sale.

I thought about you, yesterday. When I was getting my beard trimmed, me and the guy discussed our love of socks.  I was wearing bright green target socks from American Apparel that matched my tie, while the barber was wearing bright pink ones that matched his.  We had a moment.

Again, thanks everyone!  Here's hoping I don't hyperventilate, vomit, forget to speak English, or any of the other things I've been worrying about.  Now, I have to go say goodbye to the dogs, finish packing, vacuum and drive 6 or 7 hours (here's a preemptive fuck you to that shitstain on the map Birmingham).

Thanks, man.  From what I hear, marriage sex is the best sex!

Ha, wife. That's going to take some getting used to. I got my first piece of mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs Switters this week.

As much as I am looking forward to the wedding, I'm going to be so glad when all of this stuff is over and life returns to normal.  But hey, congrats on all of those milestones!

After talking about, planning and all that jazz for damn near a year, it is finally time. I'm leaving work in an hour or so to grab my stuff and drive to the coast to get ready for my wedding.  Car is mostly packed, tuxes fitted and practiced tying the bow ties (hat tip, @doublehawk:disqus  .  Of course, there is a

Yep, peacocks. Their neighborhood is filthy with them, and they're obnoxious pests.  Check it out, I took a picture of one of the males in the backyard. This one was missing a foot from tangling with a dog.

Some of the online co-op play in Red Dead Redemption was my favorite part of that game, so I have faith that they'll do it up even better for GTA 5.  I've pretty much decided to jump back in after my honeymoon next month.

I visited friends in Austin last weekend, and while going to an apartment complex to pick someone up, there were like 4 deer just standing next to the cars. They didn't run when we walked by, just stood there and watched.  That, and sitting in my friend's backyard, there were 6 peacocks, around 8 cats, and a raccoon.

Those fuckers are almost as bad as the monsters that will make a line of cars wait while they ever so slowly back into a parking space.

I watched friends play GTA over the weekend, and I got the urge to play games really bad.  Regret is starting to set in for giving my Xbox to my nephew almost two years ago because I never played it.  Between GTA 5 and new Battlefield, I'm afraid I'm going to have to go buy another system.

Gasp! Louie Blue Raspberry??  But, they were my favorite.

@avclub-aa323ea8b5417dda241365dc02ef9fbb:disqus  Of course, you have to mix it up or else all of that power goes to their heads.  Plus, the Lab thinks he can get on the beds when he is in charge, and the husky, well, he's no born leader of dogs.

Anytime.  The good news is the weather has been really nice in the state for the last couple of weeks. Last weekend was gorgeous.