Miss-Informed Opinion

Thanks franklinshepard

Yeah, but in season 2, casino night, Jan is berating Michael, because his branch is 4th out of 5 (than Michael makes some joking remark like 'top 80%' I thought this was weired, if Scranton has the top and 9th best salesmen at thier branch.

That is neither fun nor a fact :- )

Yeah, from about season 6 this kind of thing happened with a lot of characters. A character trait that that was subtly hinted at in the earlier seasons, would become the personality trait that defines them in the latter seasons (e.g. Kevin, slow in season 2, full retard later on; Dwight was just weird and quirky in

Or perhaps more likely, isn't this also the same location they used to cook in the RV during the first season. Jessie could piece together that Walt would have moved his money to a secure location and might think this is a good place to start

He rarely gets invited to parties

me too

@ waxlion it wouldn't be a spolier, please name the series as I am intrigued and sort of want to check it out :- )

Not sure if anyone has said this yet but we get to see the characters in a Futurama-Simpsons cross-over, did you guys see this ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… , see confirmed plots section)

To be honest I kind of hope not. Don't get me wrong, I loved Futurama (already using past-tense) and it is one of my top 3 favourite show, the others being Breaking bad and The Office, (if you're asking…which no one was) which are also ending or have ended this year.
I psyched myself up for this being the last time I

Tohajiilee is the title of next episode, which is the desert area where Walt buried the money. What do your think is going to happen. Possible suggestions;
a) theres some kind of face-off between Jessie and Walt there. Jessie was in the house, so it could be possible (thought unlikely) he saw the lotto ticket with the



'It is blood which moves the wheels of history' - is a an actual part of a Mussolini speech. I used to work in sales and can confirm that quotes from dictators advocating a country's entry into the second world war, could indeed be seamless inserted into a sales speech and that it would go down well with salesmen and

Take your daughter to work day. Another early episode that is equally hilarious, brilliant and subtly heart breaking.

Are you dying hard or hardly dying?

Just talking of Badger, do we think we've now seen the last of Badger and Skinny Pete? I kind of took the awesome conversation about the Star Trek FanFic was their swan song. Great characters but I don't think we'll be seeing them again given the amount of time we have left and how much of the primary characters arcs

One of the best episodes of the entire series. Though is anyone else slightly disappointed we didn't get to see the conversation between Hank and Gomez, where Hank tells Gomez about Walt (remembering Gomez also know Walt very well).

Jessie living with the Schraders….It happened