Rich Uncle Skeleton

Just listened to that, they made it sound pretty amazing.

He shoots, he scores… he calls his teammate a freak.

"That wasn't very Christmas-y."

No tall guys? Heightism!

A few short scenes of him being terrified in the middle of combat, perhaps killing only when forced to plus one scene where he says something like "I don't know if I can do this…" would have been sufficient.

Sounds good to me. It shows that time has indeed passed and the heroes of yesteryear have become old and a little sad.

No argument here, but the death of Luke's aunt and uncle weren't really integral to his character while Finn's disillusionment with killing for the Empire is what supposedly drives him. Therefore it's weird that it's not addressed at all.

I hate fanfic, but how's this for an opening scene:

If he does, it doesn't really show. Combat situations or stress don't affect him at all.

Okay, I'll buy that. It still doesn't explain why Kylo bothered to fight him at all. If he just wanted the saber he should have just killed Finn and then yanked it off his hand.

It was probably not exclusively anti-lightsaber. But it was weird that the guy decided to use it, not just shoot Finn.

His aunt and uncle dying were just the final straw for Luke. He already knew that he was meant to be somewhere else. Finn gets supposedly shell-shocked and has to leave to remain sane, then miraculously is up for shooty-shooty gun-gun the next time a stormtrooper shows up.

It would have been a really nice touch if they hugged and then were really awkward. "Umm, yeah… anyway, good job, man. I'll see ya."

I know it was a much clear-cut thing but this movie could have used a shot like that one in ANH where the imperial baddies are talking about how the Empire is taking over, get some idea of how the First Order and the Resistance and the Republic (?) all relate to each other. They could have also given a quick


—-People said that Rey's sudden ability to use the Force seemed, well,
forced (though to be fair, it only took Luke about 48 hours to do the
same) but Finn, the ex-janitor, can suddenly hold his own against Kylo
Ren using light sabers?

Kylo Ren is what Lucas tried to do with Anakin in the prequels but failed: a hot-headed young man with a lot of barely contained pain and who is convincingly attracted to the dark side of the Force.

The movie would have worked perfectly without Death Planet. And they had to throw in the a trench approach too. Plus the whole thing of the weapon sucking up the sun for energy was too scientifically idiotic even for Star Wars.

I would actually love for the new Big Bad to be a huge giant. It would play nicely to the whole "size doesn't matter"-aspect of the Force.