Rich Uncle Skeleton

Watching that film made me very, very angry. It seemed like they decided to intensify every little thing that was a little wrong and off in the movie as it progressed. When it actually ended in a dance competition my jaw had burrowed itself deep into the floor.

It was implied!

No, never. It's a completely new thing called a Termination Moon.

I really love how belligerent and coarse the Danes are, especially Ubba. That thing were they're trying to wrap their heads around God, the baptism, martyrdom and all the rest of it was a thing of beauty.

That scene was so great.

They should have called it Room (No, Not That One, This Is The One About The Kid And The Mom, Based On The Bestselling Book, You Know That One?).

It's not, but it's not quite as simple as the unwrap/tie a knot one-two of condoms.

Is it the "honk honk" noise?

As far as I can see the only downside when compared to condoms is the cleanup. Of course, being a dude, it's none of my concern. So yay!

And afterwards you can give them a nice pat on the head.

I feel more or less the same. However, I was in a relationship with someone who had a tongue piercing and a nipple piercing (I think she's gotten rid of both since). I remember the tongue piercing being pretty alright when it came to blowjobs (although there wasn't a massive difference) and the nipple thing was a nice

Yeah! I mean, what is wrong with being sexy?

Probably taking quotes out of context
-The AV Club

Yeah, this just sounds a lot of generic "indie-tronica" which was considered pretty cool for a while in the early 00's. It was built on ironic detachment and basically making dance/electronic music in a way that let people knew that you loathed said music.

That's such a great episode (rivaled only by the one where Frasier gets analyzed himself). At one point every woman Frasier has dated shows up outside the cabin he's staying in.

The DVD commentary says that Lovitz originally said "Goodnight, I'm Artie Ziff!"

I checked out Douglas Coupland's Miss Wyoming from the library because I thought this cover was pretty neat:

Wait, when was violence invented? I think it could be something as far back as 200 years ago.

You kinda ruined the joke, but…
