He he… ass burgers.
He he… ass burgers.
Well, Community also did a whole episode of Law & Order.
Does anyone remember when he had actual interaction with the group (or anyone really) and felt genuinely involved with the show? Like when he taught Shirley how to do public speaking? Or the whole thing with him, Britta and Vaughn? Or when he stood up to Jeff in the chicken fingers/mafia-episode? He had really good…
@avclub-ec1292ee654bf92e94b9a5434205bd47:disqus Thanks for that, downloading now.
You'd think "uncle" would kinda give it away, but…
If it somehow contributes to the conversation, you can be as explicit and personal you want. But if you are only out to journal your sex life in uncomfortable detail, that's what blogs and reddits and tumblrs are for.
If that pic up there is any indication, this movie is more or less flawless.
Riff Raff sucks incredible amounts of balls, but at least he made this, although it's greatness is still due mostly to the producer (Harry Fraud, whoever that is) and Action Bronson.
Yikes! TMI, man.
@avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus But wouldn't that mean that foot fetishists should really like to be touched on their feet rather than wanting to touch/lick other peoples feet?
Yeah I get that as well. And I think legs and thighs are already considered to be plenty erotic so maybe it's a kind of an extension of that.
I was wondering about that (and I actually commented but apparently got shut down by THE PC POLICE JUNTA for using the n-word). LAW has some serious issues with self-image if at the first sign of the dudes racist inclinations he just kinda went "…maybe he didn't really mean that?" or some other form of rationalizing.…
The writer of the last letter has got some deep issues with their self-image and self-esteem. What was the end result he was hoping for? They meet, the racist guy goes "It doesn't matter that you're a dirty nigger" and they ride off into the sunset?
I've always kinda wondered why it is so common. Even though feet are surely more aesthetically pleasing than, I dunno, noses, it still seems strange that it's foot fetishism which is so widespread and not any other esoteric kink.
O SNAP! They just did…
Mesothelioma? The fuck is that?
I've never seen the Triplets, but I found this movie to be very cool. It doesn't have manic energy fo sho, but it's so wonderfully moody and atmospheric and quietly melancholic as well.
Instersteller, lovely feller.
Also I build a new vat every single time instead of, oh I dunno, getting rid of the bodies through cremation or whatever and just using the same vat over and over.
It's the legendary singing Buick!