Declan McManus International

That was pretty effing incredible. I legitimately got chills.

That's just what teenage girls do. . .though I would ave to admit it be interested if that WERE where they were going. . .

I'm in, ScubaDew. When should we have our first practice?

C'nest pas? Ce n'est pas.

yes you are.

You guys are so clever. . .

Oh Milkthiev. Your picture bugs me.

No one's even mentioned the end! How about Pam slowly and intensely backing out of the room with her finger-guns?


My friend is possibly gay (he hasn't come out yet) but we're tweens (early teens, more like it). I disagree that kids don't understand because boys at this age are vicious and will call you names and worse. They have to go through aa lot of things, worse than that and they understand it well.


Tomorrow's episode?

Agreed. There's been nothing on TV this week so this made me exceedingly happy as well. This episode was good, for me, but it didn't spend the entire time with Rachel complaining about something. . .Just 10 minutes.

Gordon Ramsey's F Word is entertaining. . .I agree with you TomWaits, about UK kitchen Nightmares

Ahem, "TCM". . .

I love this movie!

This movie was brilliant. . .

I'm glad I got to share that with you all. I've been holdin' that nugget in for a long time.

FotC, motherhorser!

I remember like two years ago reading somewhere that Kenan was gonna try and lose wait to play Obama. Hmm, that didn't go so well, did it?