Declan McManus International


I didn't know all that before. . .You guys have made Donald Glover my new hero. . . Whoa. . .

That was an ugly rock. And there was barely an algae on it.

I'm not a rockist. . .And I never said 80's. . .I just don't like the way synthesizers are used in music nowadays. . .


I liked the Strokes, but now I can't seem to because all the Jerk boys who wear skinny (SKINNY) jeans and Of Montreal T-shirts and are cads love them.

I hope it's dead. Synthesizers annoy the hell out of me. Get me some heavily distorted guitar and drumbeats now! I want badass! Not sissy!

i hate Casablancas now cause he moved to the West Coast. Traitor. I'm shunning him now.

"Like Marlon Brando,"

I know! That's why I had to say it. . .Thank you, KenHR. . .

Gremilins on the Wing?
Gremlins from the Kremlin?

Okay now this is just sad. Are these you favorite porn stars? How do you know them by name?

LALALALALA I'm innocent and can't hear you! LALALALALALLALALA

You bastard.


By the way, who here likes The Mighty Boosh? Yeah? They're awesome too. . .

I managed to love the first album without seeing the songs in context. But their lyrics on that one were blatantly hilarious, so. . .

And here we all were, so happy with the departure (?) of Mohinder. Well what were we thinking.

can I wish you cancerAIDSfire?

John Mayer is just so [insert insult here]