
Hopefully the short film wins and millions of Americans get exposed to amazing people from Syria by watching the ceremony. Also, after the White Helmets give an impassioned acceptance speech, hopefully Emma Stone or whoever won't feel the need to try and top them with a politicized acceptance speech. That will be

Going to San Francisco next week to visit some straight friends who don't watch the show, and they asked what i wanted to do. Is it ok if I just make them go to Looking locations with me? I want to go to the Sutro Baths so bad, and I would love to go to the End Up.

A big part of the appeal for me with the show was seeing a love triangle between gay men; one this developed is pretty unique on TV. And I have the biggest crush on Richie, so I'm happy that he seems happy at the end. But damn, Patrick and Dom have such chemistry. I was rooting for them, especially since Modesto, but

I would love to get a Richie spin-off. Raul Castillo should be a star, and the glimpses of his life we got were always the most interesting to me.

How to Get Away with Murder had a rimming scene on ABC in prime time in the first season.

I loved how the bachelor party grew and picked up characters as it went. I loved seeing Frank not being perfect; he is jealous (understandable, he's at his ex's bachelor party). I especially loved seeing Brady's female friend who thought Agustin worked at Chipotle.

I liked Brady back in season 2. He was fun to be around (as Richie attested, he was more fun that Patrick) and not ambivalent about Richie, unlike Patrick. When Patrick argued about PrEP with him, I like that Brady called Patrick out on being misinformed. Brady drunk at the diner was cute and fun, but I didn't have to

I imagine Ramsay will send bits of Rickon to Jon. Or maybe he'll just send Shaggydog's head.

Kevan Lannister is back in the same episode as the Little Birds…

I thought he wasn't going to cut the rope. Then when they were swinging, I thought he might cull Olly free. Satisfied that he let 'em all swing, and then mic dropped and quit.

RIP Shaggydog.

Yeah he should have let his friend be murdered by a man who was holding his sister hostage, so that Dayne could then kill Reed himself when he was done with Stark.

Most Improved: Foggy. I actually liked him this time around. I feel like last season, it was taken for granted that the audience found him endearing, but here his comedy landed and he is actually helpful.