
If that's what you truly think of King of the Hill then I can only feel pity for you.

My recommendation to those who don't enjoy Miyazaki's films is usually to pay less attention to the central plot and more attention to everything else. If you're focusing heavily the characters and how they resolve the primary conflict you're going to miss out on some of the finer points of the film. Pay more mind to

Can we have a new HateSong every day? There are so many songs that need to be derided out there.

Your suggestion that Miyazaki shift over to Hiroshima and Nagasaki further exposes your distaste for his style. I don't think I'm the only one who read that and thought, "Miyazaki would never, ever do that." He shies away from anything that could be remotely considered heavy-handed. Like it or not, it's simply not

I agreed with him most of the time but when he mentioned "Short Skirt Long Jacket" I had the sudden urge to listen to Cake. I shamelessly enjoy Cake. I think it's the basslines.

1. Coincidences are par for the course when it comes to Breaking Bad. If you don't like coincidences, you've been watching the wrong show.

I would be wary of him. We have no idea what happened between him and Childs at the end of The Thing.

I am already a big fan of The Dillinger Escape Plan and Converge. I'm not just vomiting words without any real experience over here. I think that, despite sucking, Hot Topic bands count as post-hardcore and metalcore. I do not think it is accurate to call them metal. I think that if you went to Warped Tour and asked

There's nothing metal about TDWP unless you count the substandard poor-man's-metalcore riffs they intermittently incorporate into their music. The sheer frequency at which breakdowns occur in their music (and the laughable degree to which they rely on breakdowns for songwriting) disqualifies them from being considered

I listened to hardcore for a few years. I have pretty much every song TDWP has released from Dear Love all the way to the Zombie EP committed to memory. I didn't like them as much as I liked Underoath but they were up there on my list.

"…the melodic metal riffs could please the ears of any heavy music fan."

If you don't know anything about metal just call it all "metal" and save yourself the embarrassment.

Merchandising is the only reason bands can afford to tour now that piracy has shut down album sales.

Urban Outfitters is just the college-aged version of Hot Topic.

Since when are vocals necessary anyway?

It makes some of them borderline unwatchable. There are many indie movies out there where it's obvious that the writers spent 90% of their time coming up with quirks for their characters yet put little effort into actually, you know, developing them.

Thank you for this. When I watched this movie, I was very interested (and so was everyone watching with me) in the characters and pretty much all of the goings-on. Until the wedding. I'm generally okay with scenes being unnecessarily long or stretching the limits of creative liberty, but this section was too long. WAY

u wot m8? ill fukin dec u in, sware on me mum