
wow. well written. both the episode and this comment.  I won't lie, I cried too. I have asperger's, diagnosed in 5th grade, and I am months away from moving into dorms for college. this episode continues to cement my belief that I am emotionally the same person as Abed. to answer your point of having someone close to

yeah, that hit me in the blaygons. it hit me real hard. As a fellow aspie, I have had the same feelings many times over. It's great that Dan Harmon is an aspie as well, because people don't really consider that side of autism.
actually, when you think about it, that also explains why Abed has really taken the lead as

oh come on! it's not that complicated.
abed was impersonating everone but annie, until annie wanted to be alone, then it was annie and abed/annie, and then annie became annie/abed and got thrown in another room by chang/abed with abed/abed, while she was still abed/annie….
okay, I see your point

"Is this a social queue?"
I laughed my blagons off at that line. mostly because I have asperger's, and I've asked that exact thing on many occasions. 

This is no ducky tie. the only thing I will accept in trade is the return of my beloved Community!

I've been wearing this felt goatee since this episode aired, and I won't take it off until the haitus ends. They better end it soon. it's itchy and people are asking questions

don't forget your insulin shot

i see what you did there

dibs on the one where I get to make out with annie

dibs on the cool one

you have no soul.

if you want to be like that, then NONE of them are the *real* one because it's a tv show.
oh. the characters aren't real. I am sad again.


we are all too busy with the inspector

I can't comprehend the awesome.

six seasons and a movie

they make me…. sad
but it would be funny to see them pop in in paintball 3, get shot, and begrudgingly return to their original timeline

never gonna give you up

also, the inspector