Ninja Warrior Captain Cat 11

This is an excellent album
It may be a bit early (especially since the Mars Volta's next album is supposed to be out this June), but this may just be my favorite album of 2009 thus far.

Jeepers Creepers
I would like to add:

This actually happened?
I find it hilarious how a lot of WWE fans will probably see The Wrestler just because Mickey Rourke is on WWE and probably think it's crap.

I've heard the Paraphenialia (sp) Train in Grinch Night is supposed to be creepy as hell.

The Alien series seriously used to creep me the hell out when I was a kid. I saw a clip from an Alien trailer while waiting to go on a Disney ride. Once I saw that there was actually an Alien part to the ride, (I vaguely remember it looking like something from Aliens, maybe) I nearly pissed myself.

Fat old hairy white guy:

Great movie
I actually saw this Wednesday and it's really good. I'm kind of disappointed that the part that got the biggest laughs in my theater was the one where the main character kicks someone in the groin. But you can't really control audiences.

….This is real?
Seriously? This is real?

This is the kind of atheist book we need.
A book that actually tries to look at both a Christian and atheist perspective.

This is a terrible, terrible idea. If we're going to be treated to a really shitty movie about John Leguizmo (sp?), Queen Latifah, and Ray Romano making horrible jokes about the Ice Age, they should at least pick up the cost of the glasses.

Frances the Mute
Frances the Mute by the Mars Volta comes to mind for me. The 30-minute finale song is hard to go through in one sitting, but it's still amazing.

Well, the story is from the perspective of a high school teacher, so I'm guessing they're at least 13. Probably 18 at most.

Another Watchmen incident
I saw Watchmen again today and during the scene where Rorschach as a kid sees his mother prostituting, someone actually shouted, "SHE'S A BITCH!"

That's the exact type of audience I would expect from a movie like Expelled.

rsh, don't see AVPR. It's basically just a slasher movie, but with the Alien and the Predator.

AlexisHidell, I'm not really sure why out of all the movies to show the developmentally-disabled, they'd show The Royal Tenenbaums.

Well said.
I've never read a better analysis of anime on the Internet.

I'd have to say that I had one of the worst crowds in existence during Watchmen.