
I agree. Although their first album is really good. I feel like it never was as good after that.

Another good movie is Singles. Didn't he make that movie?

Yes, that one is my favorite too!

I was wondering what the real title was since the title in French is "Men who hate women" also.


I didn't even read the article. I just wanted to post on a recent article, hoping I would get an answer. But now, having read the article, I'll add that this tv show looks awful!

This is unrelated… but is there going to be a best books of 2011? I'm kind of waiting impatiently.

I never was cool.

botox indeed…

her lips bother me.

All my friends loved that movie, and they actually have good taste in movies. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who didn't like the movie. Maybe I should change friends.

I think you're right, although I don't like El Camino as much Brothers. Attack & Release is still my favorite. I don't rely on AVClub's grades anymore since they gave that awful grade to Gillian Welch's last album but gave it a good review.

My favorite album of the year is the Blind Pilot album. Sooo goood!!

Read The Girl Who Played With Fire. Made soup for the whole week. Saw a French Canadian play. Watched some tv, Tout le monde en parle and Once Upon a Time. I'm losing interest in Once Upon, I find it kind of cheesy.

That picture freaks me out. Somehow I'm hearing pigs squealing now or do I have it all wrong.

Your description of adolescence made me think of Ghost World.

Saying pizza is a vegetable is pretty absurd. I understand you would be infuriated. Or are you infuriated against my post?
And by the way who the hell is Dawes? I haven't been here long enough to understand the ongoing joke about Dawes.

yes I was wondering about that.

Christine was really great.