
I bought this book on special for 10$. Can't wait to read it.

sad. I liked the show. It was getting good. And for those of you who were wondering, the hat disappeared during those last episodes.

I don't know. All I remember is seeing posters of her in the Montreal subway. She also released a comic book, don't know if it's any good. I think she's pretty active in the Montreal art scene. 

I think she released an album about two years ago.

What an asshole.

I couldn't believe it so I checked it out. It's not even $65 it's £65. Man do I hate them!

agree! I feel bad for the over 30


I absolutely want to read this!


don't remind us.

Nicole should of had the girls and Simon the over 30. I don't think Nicole knows what she's doing. Just saying.

lol… oops!

I usually send Newswire articles to friends at work but this time I think I'll pass. I bit too disturbing.

"to which King just added 300 new pages while we were writing this sentence"…
love it!

Didn't like the movie either…

He's coming to Montreal tonight!! Can't wait!

Phoenix is used in Franco art projects? I have to change my avatar immediately!

I'm kind of disappointed that the white country guy didn't make it and really surprised that there is no country in the top 17. Doesn't X Factor want to have good ratings? I'm not liking LA Reid for this. There is prejudice here. And this coming from someone who sporadically listens to country music. I'm glad Josh is

I actually think this is a good idea…