What Are You Looking At Sugart

Same with me, Genji - I knew the shows were somewhat cheesy, but always crushing on Duffy. It's nice to see he's still around somewhere, and I WILL watch at least one ep of the new Dallas.

OH THANK HEAVENS. I've been going through withdrawal.

Here, drink this…

I am 52, Twilight and anything to do with it makes me want to vomit, and I seriously question the judgment of any woman near my age who likes anything to do with Twilight.
HOWEVER, I still think Paul's the cute one, Tom Jones is HAWT, and I will occasionally pick up a Robert E. Howard book and enjoy it mightily. DON'T

BOGART, bitchez!

They wear footer bags.

I like reading King on the subject of writing and grammar better than I like reading King's fiction.

Yeah, I loved the leper smackdown on him.

Oh, Enkidum, go ahead. (sigh) I'm listening.

Beg to disagree on the "can only direct action sequences," too. The death scene with Eva and her leprous brother was quite moving, I thought. (They're Baldwin and Sybilla, right?)

King Richard and the Crusaders, I guess. Does El Cid count?

Well, I liked it. C'mon it's RIDLEY SCOTT. Despite Bloom, it's my fave Crusader movie.


Hey, are you one of my students???

Pre- or post-surgery?

NO car has that coming! Don't blame the victim!

"The Jew laughed at Lester Maddox. The audience laughed at Lester Maddox too." I always loved the way he sang that line - who else could make all that fit?

Ew. If The Phantom Menace kid were yours? No wonder Shmi couldn't be saved. She just lost the will to go on.

"So, share with me your feelings about touching me…"

Only when you're a stranger…