
Thank goodness it's a bill and not a resolution because that would change everything.

My main memory of Gemco was the freaky blue and green patterned carpet they had in the store.

One thing I kept thinking watching the episode is how interesting this "Last Man on Earth" thing might be as an anthology. Check in on various people around the world who all thought they were the last person and what meeting another survivor was like — or, in some cases, never meeting one. That'd be fascinating.

Crews delivery of his love for the once a week treat of a full fat Greek yogurt with just a hint of honey seemed sweet enough, but then Braugher had to briefly mime a granny shot when describing a two-point bucket…

I was not informed that Paget Brewster was doing another segment tonight. Therefore I was unable to properly prepare myself and my surroundings. The consequences are yours.

The scotch tape applied gels to make stained glass windows were wonderful.

It's not a great album, but it's an interesting album. At least for the first few tracks. I'm intrigued that some of the old weird, New Order showed up. Listening to it I thought, "Huh, they heard 'Random Access Memories'" saw its reaction, and thought, "Guess we can use those old sounds again."

The visuals of the recreations continue to get better and better as well as more clever. At first it was a show mostly fun to hear with some fun in the recreation, but more and more the recreations are as good and sometimes better.

Waters seemed the drunker of the drunkees in almost every segment tonight. Part of me (my eyelashes, if history demands to know) wondered if that was goosed up a bit to make up for a relatively lackluster collection. Not that it was bad, but I would recommend keeping Jenny Slate's dogs on call in the future just in

I had forgotten or probably never fully realized how much of my enjoyment of this show is due to how delighted the participants are to be telling and re-enacting the retellings of these stories.

His post everything pose in the bathroom just reminded me of something from high school. Our school had super shitty baseball uniforms that, even worse, were designed for 13-15 year old kids. Of the collection, maybe 7 or 8 were decent, though most of the zippers had given up leading to a lot of safety pin action.

Finally a chance to use the words Puppy Gallows in context again.

I'm not sure about the re-watchability of these compared to the original movie, but it's been damn delightful so far.

So, take this Showalter, tease up his hair like that, slap on some sloppy lipstick and we have a nice Robert Smith now, don't we.

"Ah, the Irishman's dilemma. Do you eat your potato now or let it ferment and drink it later."

Good. Too many misogynists are given chance over chance because of stupid reasons. Whether it's because they know the right people, superficially rant on the perceived correct side of issues when showing their public face, or, especially in this case, are just damn talented. Too bad this is probably over a simple

In 1998, I left Wisconsin in hopes of getting a job in computers out in the Seattle area where I had grown up in my first few years. Much of my family lived out there including my brother and his wife who was expecting their first child. They let me live with them for a month until I found a job and a place of my

Yeah, Colin Creevey is totally the one who is going to stab Jon. Or at least supposed to be the most shocking face when it happens. Been obvious for a while, now.

So is there some way I can indicate to the AV Club that I don't have a Facebook profile so that I don't have to see the babyshit banner anymore? Nothing to say about the episode; this is just the pageview where I cracked on that thing.

I hear Desert Pheasants has a new mixtape coming out soon.