
He just had a shitty electrician, okay?

Well, not after they passive-aggressively fired Hannin Elias and tried to replace her with Nic Endo they don't!

So…you just wander around laughing in places where there aren't any jokes?

Well, there is the small unincorporated town of Drublic, MN (Pop: 20), but I hear they're all into classical music up there.

I'm pretty sure The Culture did this in Excession. And nothing's impossible for the civilization that declared war on Hell and won.

I think pretty much everything Ben Affleck's character did was a stupid move, ending with "I think we should all have a threesome so we can get the romantic tension out of our lives"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't part of the point that his romantic gestures were shit?

I think that movie's almost completely comprised of creepy and weird romantic gestures that it pulls off wonderfully.

Part of the fun of that song for me is that The Proclaimers look like the kind of dorks to not only do that sincerely, but make it work.

Sir, if I wanted a home box office, I would hire a surly teen to stand in a booth and not give people tickets all day.

Neither do I. Prestige drama and smug political comedians interspersed with middling movies seems like such an odd niche to fill.

Yep, he sure spends a lot of time defending that Obama fella. Sure didn't take repeated potshots at healthcare or something.

See, I just keep wondering when he'll ask Saul what the definition of insanity is. And why Vaas Montenegro is the sanest member of Tuco's gang.

Dammit, I was just about to post a Boots Riley joke!

Well, I now know something I should have realized.

Really? It sounds more to me like Random Acts and Riddley Walker had a heavy-handed baby.

The winner is a surprise run-in by someone wearing a copy of True Grit for a hat. In other words, Portishead.

I knew a girl who did that.

Upvoted because I do like me some Jawbreaker.