
Is her new album going to get a review here? Because I've only just started listening to it but I'm enjoying. Solid B+ so far.

"Paul Schrader… is an exercise in pulpy gratuitousness."

I haven't seen this, but I can't imagine it being worse than Man of the Year.

Hard pass.

I think that one of the reasons densely plotted shows don't work on network tv is because of the uncertainty of scheduling. If you want to tell a specific story on HBO you know exactly how many episodes you have, but if you want to do it on NBC, you design your story to be told in 13 parts and then need to completely

It's about ethics in robot murder!

Doesn't he know how many bonus points you get for head shots?

It's true, nobody had a more progressive view on civil rights than Americans in the 1930s.

Watching this episode so soon after reading the phenomenal New Yorker article about black penises in modern popular culture definitely made me a little squicked out about the scene with the naked black guy. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

"Is Arnold Ford's former lover Or his brother?"

How'd that go for the Yahoo streaming service?

So this is a different movie than Masterminds, right? I've already forgotten about both of them.

I came here to make this exact comment. I'm glad that you, of all people, made the comparison first.

Or HBO characters.

I assumed this was the third in the series after Blue Dead Redemption and White Dead Redemption.

As someone who had a view of the New York skyline from my bedroom growing up, and who watched smoke rising from the WTC for a week after 9/11, I will say that the bombing of essentially the entire federal government would be way, way worse. It would definitely lead to martial law being declared in at least D.C. and

Jesus, there were eight seasons of that show? that means the entire series was, like… a lot of hours!

I like how this episode started with a walk-and-talk, as if it was trying to trick people into thinking it was a legitimate political drama before shouting "Psych! This is actually Homeland meets 24!"

Wait will we get to the scene where he accidentally inspires Palpatine to become Emperor.

Directed by Richard Linklater?