

That sounds less horrible than the actual Biggest Loser.

I saw the first two-thirds of the MC Hammer Behind the Music, and if there's one thing I've learned about money, it's that it never runs out!

Does anyone else feel like the murder plot is by far the least interesting aspect of this show? If it was just Cookie and Lucious fighting and the two brothers doing weird sex things with their girlfriends this would be a way better show.

Lisa needs braces?

I'm moving from Austin to Chicago in July, late enough that I won't be there when he performs in Chicago, but early enough that I'll be gone by the time he gets to Austin. The world is a supremely unfair place.

Plenty of people on the internet sell things to help you keep it up.

We all do.

Two hip-hop reviews on the same day? What is this, Ambrosia for Heads?

I guess they hate Zach Braff as much as everyone else on the internet does.

If you donate $2,000 to TLC you get to work at a Chili's in Atlanta? That… doesn't seem like a great deal.

I will also be performing before the Super Bowl. I will be performing this Monday night at a bar in Austin. Where's my Newswire, A.V. Club?

You mean The Butler, which is a million times better than The Help.

If there's one thing we know is always great for TV dramas, it's killing horses.

Have you seen a man eat his own head?

12 Monkeys! Those funky monkeys!

They're rioting at a college level!

How much of this Vice, if you had to quantify it, would you say was Inherent?


Is it worse than what's happening to the city people?