
This is not an anti-hero show. Lester is not and never was an anti-hero. Neither is Malvo.

Yeah I hate when people think someone like Lester is a good person because he's been pushed around all his life. That doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a pathetic weakling who can't stand up for himself. And that might be ok, if you had other redeemable qualities, but Lester has none! So he's a coward and

Shouldn't Lou have recognized Malvo? He's an ex-cop and extremely close with Molly. I assume she has shared her theory of the case with him and possibly shown him the board. If not, he would at least know about the connection to Lester and mention the guy who JUST left was asking about him in a very creepy way.

Wait, you think Malvo is some kind of hero? Lester is a piece of shit, but Malvo is unquestionably worse. He is supposed to represent Satan. I mean, he even turned back and told those little kids that people had been murdered in their new house and that it was haunted now. He's pure evil, for evil's sake.

Why? People make assumptions like that all the time. It's natural because it's how human brains make sense of a complex world. Why assume the cop is even a person? Maybe Solverson is a dog. Let's not make any assumptions based on prior experience!

The show needed a villain. She was a major driving force in the plot this season, in almost every way.

Yep. Ex Prison Guard = Protective Custody. Plus how do you make a show around such a detestable character? He's no anti-hero.

Spoiler alert? Why are you reading the season review if you haven't watched it? This is for people who have finished the season.

He didn't really trick her into the blowjob. He didn't say "If you suck my dick, I won't turn this evidence over". That was her fault, never assume!

What? Soso has been way more obnoxious and breaking way more rules than Piper ever did (ex: using Piper's bunk). One of the chief rules of prison is "Don't annoy the hell out of people", An annoying person who won't shut up or respect other people's boundaries is pretty much the number 1 enemy in prison, because

Bennett really did suck, and Daya's right, he was a pussy. I mean he actually let Daya convince him that turning himself in and going to PRISON was the best thing for their unborn child. Are you fuckin kidding me??

Well we did already get her back story last season so I can see why she didn't get an episode devoted to her. She really doesn't seem that involved in all the shit that goes on compared to other inmates. She just kind of fixes hair and keeps civil with everyone.

A dog? A random dog out in the worst snow storm ever seems much more unlikely than the cops arriving and tripping it. Even if there were a dog out, a dog is going to jump over a wire on the ground because it's at their eye level. Your scenario seems much more convoluted. He ran the wire over the length of the front

There's a whole convoluted history to the name. Head on over to wikipedia and knock yourself out if you should so choose.


Why did it depend on someone tripping the wire at a particular time? The point was that when anyone approached the house they would trip the wire, and it was obviously going to be cops approaching the house since he had just let off all those rounds into the surrounding neighborhood. It was definitely convoluted but

Ha! Man he really is one step away from being a Gump. Can't even turn on a computer.

People who get shot with bullet proof vests on in movies always get knocked out at first. It's completely retarded and an obvious plot device.

Gus really isn't a smart man. At least with meathead cops they are usually tough rage cases who can at least throw those weight around. Gus doesn't even have that. Yes Gus, mailman would have suited you very well.

That would be really cool. Molly and Lester both recuperating together in the hospital, and her slowly stalking him in a sense and trying to get to the bottom of it.