
Fight fire with fire
As a fellow sufferer of working with Grey's Anatomy fans who insist on ruining Friday mornings with their intense recaps of the previous night's storyline, I offer a countermeasure that has worked for me: bring in a fellow Battlestar Galactica fan (from a different building, if necessary) and ruin

Save it for the iMDB message boards… II
"Please take take your Times bashing somewhere else, The Canaller"

Just want to point out that this sort of discussion is why I'm an AV Club Board devotee: we're never going to agree on which film is better, we all have strongly-held opinions and a good knowledge of film, and yet we've somehow managed to avoid referring to one another as "fucktards" or claiming that

Fightin' The Power
They *are* taking a stand, mmy, by refusing to imbue this bullshit with any more fake gravitas. That's a hell of a lot braver than playing the roles the media's trying to assign them.

Men Of The Year
I might feel differently if I'd been trying to get home from work in Boston yesterday evening, but I think those boys are fucking heroic for treating this as the farce it is.

Another Point Of Comparison
Although I'm pretty firmly on the side of the Brian Cox Fan Club as regards the duelling Lecters issue, I think "Silence" takes home the overall top honours. And I think that's due in large part to the compared soundtracks and scores. "Manhunter" may come across as a glorified TV-movie to

Baio Pigs
Erin Moran? I think I'd rather have lost my virginity to Al Molinaro.