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    I've been missing these dvd write ups, mostly bc it gives me a chance to talk about other Criterions I've been watching. I picked up Stagecoach and Things To Come, which were both very good, Things To Come especially. But mainly I want to talk about Ozu. I watched Late Spring the other night and it was so amazing.

    This is my favorite AV Club article of the week. I'm pretty bummed to see it buried on the home page. Comic books don't get top billing anymore??

    Oh man, I've been loving the Marvel Knights SpiderMan! It looks so good and it's basically a primer of every single SpiderMan villain. I wish it would run forever.

    Touche Amore - Harbor
    The Wonder Years - Passing Through the Screen Door

    Can someone explain to me the All New Marvel Now? Are they rebooting all the titles again or is it just the introduction of the new titles? Like, why is Fantastic Four starting over at #1 again? Also Silver Surfer with Allred looks amazing

    Haha never

    Didn't she actually die? She turned into a niffin or whatever and then exploded right? How do you bring her back?

    Fucking Penny.

    Yup, I just read the novel recently and the ending is so incredibly literal, it's ridiculous. There's a space hub where all the aliens travel through like some Newark Airport in the sky! I still loved it though

    Definitely get caught up on Thor. The Gorr stuff is so badass

    What'd everyone read?? I read The Bounce #6, which was ok but seems to be kind of spinning its wheels, also the art has been sort of weak. I also caught up on Thor: God of Thunder, which I absolutely love. I was worried I wouldn't like it as much with Ribic leaving, but I think it actually looks even better under

    Hey people who know a lot more than me!

    Can I just say Sava has been killin it lately! The comic book writing on this site is the best thing going

    I don't think I've ever came on this site and not saw an article talking about Jawbreaker

    Whoops, meant to reply to this comment

    No way man, ramble on.

    That's really cool, I'm always interested to see how certain marketing campaigns work from a shop's POV. How do you think DC's Villian's month went over? A bust or was it bringing in the dough?

    I read last week's The Wake, which I thought was good, but was kind of spinning its wheels, story-wise, especially after last month's mind blower of an issue. There seems to be a huge mythology just under the surface that I want to know more about.

    I just picked up The Music Room (my first Ray, I've always wanted to see the Apu Trilogy first but they refuse to release it for some reason), Stagecoach and Things To Come. Embarrassingly excited