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    Is anyone reading Green Lantern? I really like what they did with Sinestro and I think the art is fantastic. It seems to get brushed aside, (maybe Geoff Johns fatigue?) but he's always been my favorite DC superhero and I like what they've done with his universe so far in the new 52.

    Annnnddd thaaaat's my life!

    Tenacious D! We reign!

    Sounds like shrimP

    I absolutely LOVE the scene in Life Aquatic that has Staralfur in it. Perfect ending to a great movie.

    Haha Right?? Man, do I love that song.

    One day in the future, people will recognize that SPEED RACER is the best movie ever made

    Thanks! What's your favorite so far?

    Hey Oliver, are you not doing the DC new 52 weekly wrap up anymore?

    This is good stuff, sounds like a shoegazey Tindersticks

    I really like OMAC too, I'm thinking about picking that up as well. Oliver, is the Rundown going to be in the Justice League column or its own seperate entity?

    So glad to hear about the DC Relaunch Rundown. What are your guys' pulls? Right now I've got Batman, Action Comics, Justice League, Green Lantern and GL Corps. I've liked Batman the best so far, and I've heard Animal Man and Swamp Thing are definitely picking up.

    Furr is a fantastic album, one of my favorite of the past few years, and while Destroyer was a step down, it was still a good album with some great songs on it. So I guess the purpose of this music is to entertain me?

    Awesome, thanks DO. Bc I know you care, I went with Justice League, Action Comics, Batman, Green Lantern and Green Arrow. They have a deal where you can subscribe to 5 for the price of 4.

    DC reboot
    Hey, not sure where to post this, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice on which DC comics to subscribe to. I know they're rebooting for September, so I wanted to subscribe to a couple. Specifically, there are 3 Batman titles. Anyone know the pedigree of the authors or artists, or any help on which

    Ohp, there goes my paycheck. Thanks for the reminder zetes!

    Love this band to death. For being such whiny, depressing music, I sure did have a ton of really fun singalongs to these songs in my day. Even the new stuff is good. Only demerits: that fucking Shrek song and the cover of the parking lot song.

    I used to love this show
    But I was watching Rugrats on Netflix instant the other day. I couldn't believe how funny those still are. Tommy is such a fucking pimp

    You had me at
    "recall David Lynch's Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr. "

    Does anyone know where there's a list of all the titles that are being rebooted?