
Ben Weasel, Jesse Michaels, Aaron Cometbus, and Jon Resh have all had books published. I'd buy a novel written by Blake in a heartbeat.

I think the perfect complement to “I’m coloring outside your guidelines / I was passing out when you were passing out your rules.” is from Indictment on the same record: "It won't bother me, what the thoughtless are thinking / I am more concerned with what we're drinking."

Awesome article!I was also neck deep in this myopic scene when TiTR emerged, but it was the excellent s/t EP that exploded in my circles.  Of course Christie Front Drive, Sense Field , Farside, et al were touch stones but that little 7" was something else entirely. The split with Promise Ring followed and was a

I'm confused about Jason's comments regarding "Pledge Wore Thin". Is it one of the album's "best songs" and "downright corny" at the same time? Seems contradictory to me. However, I agree with the overall review — there are glimpses of HWM's anthemic greatness, but there is a quality that is missing. Is it Chuck's

More than once actually. Reversal of Man was amazing. Tampa was fun in those days, but I lived in Gainesville at the time which was miles better in a lot of ways.

Missed the boat on Submission Hold even though I was into a lot of Ebullition stuff in those days. And another girl fronted band that I loved but was more tied to the college/indie rock scene was Velocity Girl, whose first album was noisy and more akin to the emo of the time. Their later records were much much poppier

Heller, I've seen JUD JUD live more than once and still have one of their 7"s lying around.

I think this is more their "Versus God" than "C I V I L W A R" or more "24 Hour Revenge Therapy" than "Dear You".

The minimalist packaging also adds a lot of intrigue to LP2. What the fuck are the lyrics to half of the songs? In that sense it is a "classic" emocore record, whereas Diary is more indie rock in my view. I was a hardcore/emo enthusiast - think Moss Icon. No lyric sheet, no band pictures, no overt "concept"; the

I actually like LP2 better than Diary. I was way into Diary when it came out, but there's a song or two that I would always skip in the cd player. For me LP2 doesn't have a throwaway at all. Theo B and Rodeo Jones are by far my two favorite SDRE tracks.

Garth Marengi's Darkplace
my favorite all-time britcom. fucking love it.