
Ditto for the Housekeeping recommendation above from the AV Club. Robinson will be read for generations to come and will hopefully get her just due as a timeless and classic novelist.

After I read A Thousand Lives by Julia Scheeres the literal meaning of the phrase 'Drink The Kool Aid' prevented me from ever using it again as I previously threw it around in the current vernacular. Powerful book.

Churchill and Orwell by Thomas Ricks is terrific on many levels.

I simply cannot eat the same food every day! Fish! Liver! Day after day! I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions!

May or not read this, but just glad to see AV Club reviewing new literary fiction and hope for more of the same to come.

The Nix by Nathan Hill lived up to the hype. Great 2016 book.

Thanks for this review and exposure to something I would not otherwise have known about. Please keep this type of thing coming.

Has anyone here read The Nix by Nathan Hill ? Supposed to be great.

Has anyone here read 'The Sympathizer' by Viet Thanh Nguyen ? About halfway through and its really good.

American Romantic by Ward Just is the best novel I've read this year.

How come there are over a 1,000 reviews for this on amazon and its a new release ?

Too bad he didn't have a cell phone.

This story is a great example of informed and well thought out rock and roll writing. Thanks Keith.

This story is a great example of informed and well thought out rock and roll writing. Thanks Keith.

I am so sick of 'likeability' of characters being such a criteria of deciding whether a novel is quailty or not. I guess a book about Hitler can never be any good, according to this new cliché. Is this something new in the internet age ? Its as trite as an Amazon reviewer saying ' this book needed an editor.'

To the editor, re above : I give up - What's the April Fools Day tie-in to Great Expectations ?

The Street Sweeper was a great book. I don't care what the NY Times said - I liked it a lot.

It seems that with the advent of online reviews having 'unlikeable characters'  is sort of this blanket negative applied to novels a reviewer doesn't like.  Does that mean a novel that has Hitler in it is inherently bad ?  This is new to me. Dickens and many classics are filled with creeps and those books seem to