
My bet is Jesse and Walt. But the meth biz is the wonder emporium, right? Which lives on in the taut, nubile, limber Black Swan-ready shape of Todd.

Which two people are going to die in a meaningless way? That's why the two copies, right?

So is it "The Counselor" or "The Counsellor"? Difference between the correctly spelled review and the unorthodox actual trailer.

So is it "The Counselor" or "The Counsellor"? Difference between the correctly spelled review and the unorthodox actual trailer.

I don't know that the song is as much about hipsters ironically appropriating clothes that some people are forced to wear as much as it's an indictment of people spending obscene amounts of money ("that's $50 for a t-shirt") on clothes which may, within the logic of the song, be seen to give them some character. (Of