
I think they royally fucked themselves once they introduced Super Hoodie, 2nd season was so great 3rd seemed really shitting in comparison. Especially without Robert Sheehan…

Looks like that sentence really hit your hard. Come here sit on my sofa and tell me what's wrong bro? I mean you're just yelling out you JUST CANT COMPREHEND SOMEONE HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN YOU!!!1111!!1!!. Calm down.

Looks like that sentence really hit your hard. Come here sit on my sofa and tell me what's wrong bro? I mean you're just yelling out you JUST CANT COMPREHEND SOMEONE HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN YOU!!!1111!!1!!. Calm down.

Is the American version still doomed to happen? Because I thought for it to succeed they needed to tell a story with new characters in the same world, instead of Americanizing the characters. They could even cast Robert Sheehan as Nathan, make his disappearance  mean something?

Is the American version still doomed to happen? Because I thought for it to succeed they needed to tell a story with new characters in the same world, instead of Americanizing the characters. They could even cast Robert Sheehan as Nathan, make his disappearance  mean something?

I'm guessing that's a question we might get an answer to when the first baby in the Ricktatorship is born…

I'm guessing that's a question we might get an answer to when the first baby in the Ricktatorship is born…

Which one? I need to replace my Neon Cat obsession with something else…

Which one? I need to replace my Neon Cat obsession with something else…

Dude, Glee is on Fox…not NBC.

Dude, Glee is on Fox…not NBC.

That's why terrible CGI was used.

That's why terrible CGI was used.

What makes you think Sheldon would have loose leaf teas? And Leonard was talking to Penny not to you. Great job for knowing who Magneto is though!

What makes you think Sheldon would have loose leaf teas? And Leonard was talking to Penny not to you. Great job for knowing who Magneto is though!

Yeah buying something of great importance to your long lost child stinks of arrogance. Peter should of punched Etta in the face for not having back-up necklaces.

Yeah buying something of great importance to your long lost child stinks of arrogance. Peter should of punched Etta in the face for not having back-up necklaces.

Pick your nit. No customers at the bar, you funny monkey.

Pick your nit. No customers at the bar, you funny monkey.

Is Andy even redeemable at this point? I just want to punch his face with a tuna every time I see him. NEW JIM 4 LYF…