
Is Andy even redeemable at this point? I just want to punch his face with a tuna every time I see him. NEW JIM 4 LYF…

Nitpicking an opening, you JUST hit a new low…

Nitpicking an opening, you JUST hit a new low…

My question is…Where does Masuka fit in all of this?

My question is…Where does Masuka fit in all of this?

A bite or scratch induces rapid fever if no vital organs were hit. Meaning you would die within hours, maybe a day or two if you're lucky. They covered this in the first season.
The "EVERYONE IS INFECTED" thing practically makes that if you die of anything but a zombie scratch or bite will turn you instantly making

A bite or scratch induces rapid fever if no vital organs were hit. Meaning you would die within hours, maybe a day or two if you're lucky. They covered this in the first season.
The "EVERYONE IS INFECTED" thing practically makes that if you die of anything but a zombie scratch or bite will turn you instantly making

I had no problem with the stupid decisions, because this of a zombie apocalypse so someone is bound to fuck up, but what ticked me off were the moronic, beyond common human logic fuck up decisions. Like I'll hide all our fucken guns in a swamp for no other reason than to piss off psycho Shane.

I had no problem with the stupid decisions, because this of a zombie apocalypse so someone is bound to fuck up, but what ticked me off were the moronic, beyond common human logic fuck up decisions. Like I'll hide all our fucken guns in a swamp for no other reason than to piss off psycho Shane.

Scranton Strangler? That's the name of Dwight's spin-off show right?

Scranton Strangler? That's the name of Dwight's spin-off show right?

Ooooh Ice Queen is cheating on Kane, he's gonna be sooo mad, said absolutely no one. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THIS RELATIONSHIP IS SO INTERESTING TO ME? I mean all they do is hate each other, eat breakfast and then shit on Chicago for their personal needs?

Ooooh Ice Queen is cheating on Kane, he's gonna be sooo mad, said absolutely no one. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THIS RELATIONSHIP IS SO INTERESTING TO ME? I mean all they do is hate each other, eat breakfast and then shit on Chicago for their personal needs?

Knowing a great sight gag was coming why not turn off the TV just in time  so it remains marvelous in your mind? Godforbid someone saw that one coming. Oh right, what could you have to complain on the internet laterzzz?

Knowing a great sight gag was coming why not turn off the TV just in time  so it remains marvelous in your mind? Godforbid someone saw that one coming. Oh right, what could you have to complain on the internet laterzzz?

Wasn't Kevin ADA?

Wasn't Kevin ADA?

It's so cool Bryan Cranston offers his free time to help the underprivileged (NBC). Also Andy is still a gigantic douche bag stand-in Michael Scott. Can anyone tell me what the fuck are the writers doing with New Jim and Erin? It's either going to be the most predictable storyline in history with her ending up with

It's so cool Bryan Cranston offers his free time to help the underprivileged (NBC). Also Andy is still a gigantic douche bag stand-in Michael Scott. Can anyone tell me what the fuck are the writers doing with New Jim and Erin? It's either going to be the most predictable storyline in history with her ending up with

Comparing it to Community is already a stretch but comparing it to The Wire? Talk about bananas and pineapples.