
Comparing it to Community is already a stretch but comparing it to The Wire? Talk about bananas and pineapples.

Yeah Mayan eats organs to stay youthful forever is so 1993…where are the 2012 plots? Douche bag internet commenters get eaten by their own need to sound clever in front a bunch of anonymous people and turn into… erm… Zombies!!!, throw in some plot about vampire love you got yourself a classic Supernatural in your

Yeah Mayan eats organs to stay youthful forever is so 1993…where are the 2012 plots? Douche bag internet commenters get eaten by their own need to sound clever in front a bunch of anonymous people and turn into… erm… Zombies!!!, throw in some plot about vampire love you got yourself a classic Supernatural in your

Nah Murphy will be back for season finales, with more SPANKING NUNS!

Nah Murphy will be back for season finales, with more SPANKING NUNS!

Yeah that was hilarious, but one-liners aside. The whole dynamic is just too toxic and too sitcom-y. I did love the Medium Fan Club though…

Yeah that was hilarious, but one-liners aside. The whole dynamic is just too toxic and too sitcom-y. I did love the Medium Fan Club though…

The Shay's are just fucken toxic as a family kinda makes me cringe every time I see them, nor do they make me laugh. It's like watching The Jackson Family reality show….

The Shay's are just fucken toxic as a family kinda makes me cringe every time I see them, nor do they make me laugh. It's like watching The Jackson Family reality show….

I think you completely miss the point of REVEEENGE and not giving a fuck..which is what Jax has been doing since Opie died.

I think you completely miss the point of REVEEENGE and not giving a fuck..which is what Jax has been doing since Opie died.

I love how everyone still pretends Pilot Viruet is an actual person. I mean how drunk were your parents to name you Pilot Viruet. That's either a cyborg's name or the combination of the first two things you said after you had peyote for the first time…

I love how everyone still pretends Pilot Viruet is an actual person. I mean how drunk were your parents to name you Pilot Viruet. That's either a cyborg's name or the combination of the first two things you said after you had peyote for the first time…

Anyone else get the weird feeling that Lee and Clementine were supposed to appear? 'Cause at this point I'd much rather have them at main characters than Lory and Rick…

Anyone else get the weird feeling that Lee and Clementine were supposed to appear? 'Cause at this point I'd much rather have them at main characters than Lory and Rick…

I believe they were playing off on  the randomness of the commercial itself. The commercial not only brings  the most random celebrities together but also the most random celebrities with facial hair, so I guess someone one on the writing staff found that amusing. Also they probably wanted to do something clever with

I believe they were playing off on  the randomness of the commercial itself. The commercial not only brings  the most random celebrities together but also the most random celebrities with facial hair, so I guess someone one on the writing staff found that amusing. Also they probably wanted to do something clever with

Loved the recap now where's the review?

Loved the recap now where's the review?

Thanks for the recap now where's the review?