
That line made the fucking night dude

Yeah, I was actually reflecting on that this episode. We haven't had much detail or knowledge of their relationship till now, its nice to see it slowly being expanded upon.

I'm so surprised Manish Dayal isn't a main cast member while Joe's fiance last season was. He's already way more important than she ever was, and we're 3 episodes in.

Don't know if it's already been said, but I got the impression that Cameron specifically was shutting Ryan down because SHE had been hacking private chat logs herself, and that's how she knew about the one guy's son.

This is my first post on this website, despite having an account for a few years, just cause I want to say how happy I am this series is still being covered. It's a really strong show, if not great, and is really fun to watch. I remember how much I loathed the first season's finale (which is so odd for me as someone

Don't get me wrong, I love Tara. From a storytelling perspective, however, Tara would have been a more impactful and less stupid death. The only doctor in Alexandria should NOT be on supply runs

I second this so much. I was so worried it would be Abe, i was thinking they wpuld go for Tara.