Ted Merle Haggard

Normally, calling someone a "Bitch" is cause for condemnation, but she's said so much truly crazy awful shit about so many other people that I can do nothing but applaud.

Dear Jason Heller
As a fellow Denver resident, I feel two things need to be said:

I can't believe this pun was overlooked.
Some people have beef with lasagna.

Charlie Crist is totally scrotum.

My money is on a dame being introduced. Perhaps Catwoman or Poison Ivy. Maybe Talia Al Ghul as a romantic interest? Does the Joker's death preclude Harley Quinn?

Well, shit
I just lost the office pool.

They tore
this a new asshole on Fresh Air last night. This makes me more excited to watch, though. Especially since I don't get IFC to watch Todd Margaret.

This entire write-up…
…failed to mention The Wire even once. Come on, VanDerWerff, I'm not making my minimum daily requirements for A.V. Club Wire references.

Just you wait, Rabin
It only gets better.

The Don'ts and Be Carefuls
are actually really great. Especially live. Definitely recommend.

Fun fact:

"Well, in that context, a little gay sex for the client really is no big deal. "

I have a hunch
In the opening minutes, when Connie was telling Don that New York was an international destination as opposed to Dallas, I got this feeling deep inside me (hiyo!) that Don will be making a trip to Dallas soon. I feel that, if the show chooses to include the Kennedy assassination in the plotline of this

Not sure, but…
…I think I heard there guys are on a reunion tour right now. I think they're opening for Kaiser Chiefs and Macy Gray.

There is no reason for me to enjoy this video half as much as I do, yet I can barely manage to look away.

I understand his motives
Irish Carcetti needs the money to get rid of the budget shortfall in [G]al[way] schools.

I tend to agree with that.


I could've done without the "flash-forward", I don't think this is a "C' worthy episode in the slightest.

Sophia Lauren