The Ferret Who Fixes Airplanes

I kinda liked Crass' cover of "Hip to Be Square."

8. Performing an eight-hour ambient musical version of Siddhartha, "built by modular synthesis, on the fly."

Got drunk as shit last night on the much-wanted and desired Alchemist Heady Topper while watching The Elephant Man. present headache was worth it.

It's damn good.

A very particular part of my youth died on a high school vacation, when I left my copy of Live at Folsom Field in a rental car in Alberta. Haven't looked back since, but Busted Stuff was definitely the last studio album I gave a shit about…I definitely remember an instance of trying to convince someone (maybe myself)

I can report that this phenomenon is still alive and well here in Vermont, much to my everlasting suffering.

Looking forward to seeing this. Terry has a crazy body of work…and he played at Mingus' notably disastrous and also awesome Town Hall concert in '62.

They must be referring to the "legitimate" musical stylings of having a dude in your band who bangs on a helmet with his drumstick.

Lenny Kravitz seems to have been designed by a committee intent on creating the ideal massmarket American musician, and birthed fully formed from a test tube in Clive Davis' basement blissfully devoid of any concept of tension, irony or wit.

I still think that movie has its moments. Like when Arnold greets his animated feline police comrade - "Whiskahs, wheyah wuhhh yoo?"

This is a cool little tune, and the pedigree is pretty amazing…but it really just makes me sad about how badly Nilsson blew his voice out.

It's really quite a stretch to describe this as a song.

Classy. You also neglected to mention Chocolate Starfish, Significant Other, Results May Vary, and The Unquestionable Truth Pt. 1, all other instances in which Durst sucked at a very high level.

Anyone else think Fred looks like Guy Fieri? And might, in fact, BE Guy Fieri?

Eh, dude's seventy-five, and he started to cry in an interview. Cut him a little slack. My grandfather used to start crying when he remembered brands of cereal that didn't exist anymore, and he was still a wholly sane person.

And speaks like he's taking a really sad poop!

What's wrong with being sexy?

It was released prematurely?

He'd do a great fake-Grover Norquist.