
I, for one, am excited about Heshy's new porn career.

He'd better not, I'm supposed to be seeing him in a standup show in a few hours.

That there is my go-to KOTH line.

Certainly the first time I've heard it referred to as "great."

Columbine also screwed up the "Earshot" episode from the third season of Buffy, where Jonathan takes the gun up in the school tower to kill himself.  Since it looked like it was about a school shooting, and happened a week after Columbine, they didn't show it until the next fall.

Is that the Yellow Pills one?

Is that the Yellow Pills one?

Oh thank god.  I have a soft spot for the many flawed-but-watchable shows anchored by Bret Harrison.  I can rest easy now.

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I just don't want to see this (I don't want to see this).
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There is!