
I thought Euron and Yara split the fleet? Each got half of the largest navy in Westeros.

I'm thinking maybe any squatters high tailed it out of there upon hearing that a giant armada with dragons was on its way there.

True. I often think he had much grander initial plans until Ledger's passing. I don't think he necessarily wanted to make a different movie, but felt like the fans deserved a conclusion.

Exactly. People don't seem to understand this was one man's war against the mob, corruption and by extension the League of Shadows. He was not a purse-saving vigilante. When the Dent Act was passed, and Joker and the mob defeated, he moved into the shadows, broken by the sacrifices of his fight. He didn't "quit" being

Super munchers was the best. At the end you fly up to a castle to take out the muncher boss!