Gozer the Gozerian

I disagree with you on the acting. Stapleton is iffy at times, but Winchester is quite good, and the supporting cast and guest actors always class up the joint. Some of the plotting/dialogue is hacky, sure, but it's a solid B, not trash. I mean, opinions and stuff, but I think you're being too harsh.

If they do ever end up in a scene together that will be quite a surprise for everyone, I would think

If they do ever end up in a scene together that will be quite a surprise for everyone, I would think

Hey, I'm 31 too! Let's hang out.

Hey, I'm 31 too! Let's hang out.

Maybe it's just my eternal fondness for poor, beleaguered Destro, but this made me laugh for five minutes

Maybe it's just my eternal fondness for poor, beleaguered Destro, but this made me laugh for five minutes

D'oh! Completely forgot that one, even though I just scanned the archives. Thanks for setting me straight, @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus.

D'oh! Completely forgot that one, even though I just scanned the archives. Thanks for setting me straight, @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus.

I don't know the answer to the second question, but I'd say yes, absolutely. Get through the first four and you'll be hooked (though it's fun from the jump).

I don't know the answer to the second question, but I'd say yes, absolutely. Get through the first four and you'll be hooked (though it's fun from the jump).

I just made the mistake of image-searching her at work.

I just made the mistake of image-searching her at work.

Do Coen Brothers movies count? I mean, I love Miller's Crossing, but it might be just shy of culty. Buckaroo Banzai, on the other hand, is an excellent suggestion. I'd like to also put Translyvania 6-500 out there. Joseph Bologna's secret masterpiece.

Do Coen Brothers movies count? I mean, I love Miller's Crossing, but it might be just shy of culty. Buckaroo Banzai, on the other hand, is an excellent suggestion. I'd like to also put Translyvania 6-500 out there. Joseph Bologna's secret masterpiece.



Cemetery Man, Tremors, The Last Action Hero

Cemetery Man, Tremors, The Last Action Hero

Dang, no Sketch Artist. I became a man to that movie. Well, more a gross little adolescent, but you get the idea.