obviously not a golfer

I watched Solaris this weekend, the newer film starring George Clooney. This was my first exposure to it in any form and I found the story fascinating. The best kind of immersive, atmospheric, thought-provoking sci-fi. I plan to read the book and see Tarkovsky's film in short order. Any recommendations for

I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man.  They're enough to get any person kicked out of a cab.

I would also enjoy observing a Dude-Jeff encounter.

Doing my part for the 10,000.  Two questions.  1.  How would The Dude interact with the cast?  For some reason I see him connecting with Abed and chatting comfortably but non-sexually with the ladies.  2.  What kind of careers are in store or would you like to see for the cast?  Donald Glover's obviously amazing, as

There's always a fine line in depicting historical tragedies of great scope not to venture into the melodramatic or pedantic, but Band of Brothers manages, I think, generally, to its great credit. The scenes of discovering the concentration camp were brutal and overwhelming. Other examples from historically-themed

Definitely should give Saxondale a try. After discovering it recently, it's become one of my favorite British comedies.
Fill your boots, son, fill your boots.

april fools
Between this and the Miss Marple story, I think the club must be starting April Fools early. Other headline suggestions?

Arsenio - what are the other two?

that's quality, Jorge

maybe too late to the party, but battlestar gallactica. first two seasons were among the best tv i've seen. second half of season three and season four "retroactively decreased my estimation of the entire series," to quote a previous poster.