
What's terrifying about Rhonetta is she's not alone. I was asked to participate in an open casting call once; dear God there were so many crazy effing people that came in, way crazier than this Rhonetta girl. At the same time there were lots of lovely and talented people as well but still… the crazies made me want

I was really disappointed when the last series of books came out originally but then last year I reread the whole thing and thoroughly enjoyed it. Who knew.

striped shirts striped shirts striped shirts striped shirts striped shirts striped shirts

I used to work at a video store and our copy of Dead Man had a fold in the tape that people would come back and complain that the screen went all fuzzy at one point in the film (I think they just wanted their money back because it was a boring movie) I then used our splicing gear to cut out a huge chunk of the film,

Tide goes in Tide goes out
Rapist goes in Rapist goes out

In this cut his brain is set to read not write and they have to open him up and flip the switch. Also he's visited by Kyle Reese in a dream sequence.

I enjoy the found footage thing and I look forward to each installment. I even like the dry witty guys. I'm not ashamed or sorry.


In the bowels of the nineties I was listening to Big Shiney Tunes 2. Amongst the crappy pop songs was a monster rock anthem called Paranoid Android. I sought out the album of origin and left mainstream radio behind. Much Music saved me from Nu-Metal.

Oh yeah Sept 12, 2001; when everyone liked America. That got fucked up real fast didn't it.
I cried more when the place guard played this:

The Irony of that ad is that it asks "What do we know about Luxury?" and proceeds to answer the question with pictures of labourers, a rap artist, and a crappy rental car that has been around for years that just got some new LED lights on the front. So the answer is "Nothing". I'll stick with the Germans for Luxury

JESUS had days like this.

I gotta say
I'm actually looking forward to this. I reread the whole thing last year and I even liked the later books which I hated the first time. I'm glad to hear that they're expanding the scope to not only be movies. I think the first book would be great animated something like a supplement like the Animatrix

or just get fucking AD BLOCK moran.

like these and have enjoyed them all. I think the hosts are funny and personable too.

I can't believe you reelected GWB after the first 4 years.

Definitely sounds like some kind of special edition or something. Not the original voice of the pussy thing at all and the emperor has been dubbed over and that scene extended. I'm a Dune nerd or at least I was around the time the Laser disc came out.

You're a scumbag, your client's a scumbag, and scumbags see the judge on Monday morning.

No Emilio love? Where's Wisdom?